Talking Kapa with Travel Guru Peter Greenberg
Was interviewed for the Peter Greenberg Travel show for Aulani Resort and got to discuss kapa and the use of Hawaiian art at the Resort. If you travel and dont know this man, you should definately check out his website. I learned a ton of travel tips just in the 15 minutes I was waiting to go on! As a long time reporter, broadcaster and world traveller he had some amazing stories to tell afterwards when I got to hang out with him, Joe Rohde, Mike Hyland and some other very cool folks at the `Ama`ama Restarurant at Aulani. Peter does some pretty insane numbers tricks too haha
Visit his website at
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit Reception
Native Arts practitioners were part of the Asia Pacific Economic Conference held at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Nov 10, 2011. Kapa Makers Kawai Aona-Ueoka and Dalani Tanahy ham it up with a member of the Peoples Repuplic of China delegation.
Throwing a yellow kapa on someone means that now they have to take a pic with you.
Here with radio personality Brickwood Galuteria.
Kapa in Kalifornia
November 19 & 20 from noon to 6pm both days//Opening ceremony on Nov 18. Admission is free to this event. Big Island kapa practitioner Ka`uhane Heloca (pictured right) will be sharing kapa making at this event. Sponsored by HVCB.
Dalani will be in San Diego in November with Halau O Malulani doing kapa demo and `ohe kapala carving class